Honoured queens, honoured kings, the sparkling starry vaults of the royal court jester have blossomed in the thrones of Apple. All adorned with shimmering diamonds and surrounded by champagne–gold, cherry–black roses. Christopherus flits into his diaphanous dimensions, creates royal jewellery collections in his royal energies and surprises his highnesses in royal vibrational arcs of pure euphory and pure luxury.
Mystical magic of faded timelines of past ages hidden in the manifold depths of ancient forests. Their royal trees sway their majestic crown architectures, which are connected to the colourful starry vaults, at the same time preserving the ancient knowledge, in choreographic rhythms of spirited airs. A momentum of the compositions of dancing nuances of light and shades, in which the dragon scales shimmer in a noble splendour of colour — crystalline, white–gold, white–pink, orange–gold, emerald green, royal blue and deep black. At the dawn of the virgin morning, when millions of crystal white diamonds roll off them, colourful rain showers surprise you.
Air dragons, the majestic creatures in the royal blue vaults of the earthly halls. They love to embody their playful nature, to unfold in their dragon love. One of their dragon rituals is to play hide and seek in the blossoming day lines between crystal white cloud dresses and golden shades of light. In their elegant, spirited pirouettes, many a cloud dress transforms into a dragon feather. Looking at these, associated with a wish from your inner cosmic halls, they fade into colourful starry fountains. The beloved air dragons will surprise you in the coming timelines. What pure dragon joy.
From dragon arcs, the dragons of origin create exceptional starry vaults. Their crystalline architecture rises majestically into the manifold shades of deep black. The dragons lovingly adorn the fan–shaped vaults with sparkling diamonds of different colours and cuts. What a blaze of colour that makes the dragons perform pirouettes in joy. The shimmering starry vault is inaugurated in a royal dragon ceremony under colourful starry fountains. Another dimension has been blossomed.
The URSEIN, a crystalline structure of shimmering universes, whose colourful firmament consists of imposing vaults. Hung with sparkling diamonds of various sizes and shades of colour. Between these ancient, mystical–looking dragon portals exist. An accommodating way for busy dragons to travel elegantly through the depths of the universes. When these extraordinary creatures of ancient timelines return to the dragon realm, they tell each other humorous dragon stories about the manifold beauty of creation.
In the depths of ancient forests, whose mystical silhouettes surround the moon lake, the beauty of the moon goddess is reflected in its subtle waves, the sound architecture of the beloved throne GAIA is revealed. Accompanied by this melodious score, the silver moon dragons adorn the high, manly folds of the deep black firmament with sparkling diamonds, shimmering in their exceptional blaze of colour.
The score of golden, rose–golden arcs of light pour out in the manicured shades of the blossoming, deep black night. All kinds of diamonds bloom in the spheres. They all describe with their colourful sparkle the fanned arcs of the starry sky. At the same time, they welcome the moon goddess in her perfect beauty. She herself makes the silhouettes of the ancient forests shimmer in her white–silver vibrations of light, filling their depths with her feminine vibrations of love. Her silver moon dragons ignite the moon blossoms with their silver–white dragon fire, which lace the ancient trees in cushions.
Essence, shimmering in silvery–white nuances, like moonflowers in the depths of ancient forests. Its crystalline, metamorphosing creation flows within itself. In the midst of her light vibrating arcs of multi–coloured rainbows and with her feminine embodiment, the dragons of origin create multiple dimensions of perfect beauty. From remaining droplets they create stars, which perform light shows in the colourful vaults at night.
The crown architecture of the Flower Crowns resemble golden fountains, reminiscent of the golden days of the French Renaissance and in each of them enthroned a diamond of perfect beauty, reflecting in the perfect richness of facets, in which the starlight dances in the colours of the rainbow. A play of light that only nature knows how to perform, inviting graceful ladies of noble birth to dream and taking them on journeys through great times of fine arts.
The Queen´s Crowns is one of the most enthusiastic/extravagant of its kind of edelbluete, resuembling the epochal its crown–architectures would be from the faded days of the English High Gothic — its reflection of the elegant arches, the simple, manly folding column structure, fanning out into higher spheres — and their double crowns inherent in the noblest diamond architecture, flowing with the silvery–white light nuances of the moon goddess.
The graceful, the noble, the filigree and the majestic, describing the «Twin Ladies», equal to their twin architectures, unequal to their double wings — the paradox of the fine arts. In them resting wonderful diamonds, shimmering in white shades of perfect beauty together with their play of colours, recurring the rainbow dragons and telling in the golden nuances of light of the sun the prehistory of the Thronin GAIA.
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